Monday, March 9, 2009


Many would agree with me that "It's what is on the inside that matters"*snigger snigger* is a load of crap. Physical appearances DO matter. For example, when you are new to a class, you look around, automatically size up people and see with whom you would fit in most apprpriately. You won't stop and think about whether the bespectacled salwar kameez clad girls with sticky hair oil are actually cooler than then low waist denims donning, made-up ones. Its just the way they appear that makes the decision.
If you think people make wrong assessments of your personality, maybe its not so much their shallowness than you not making an effort to make them take you seriously. If the way you carry yourself, the way you dress, is louder than you are about yourself, not to mention antithetical, then it is not surprising if you make a wrong impression.
The world today is very superficial. Most do not care about how a person's nature is. Its the way they look that matters.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover." Ha Ha. It is "better said than done."